27.6km (386.31km)
Saturday 9th April
My new guide book, brought by Brogan, describes the next few days as soulless but I have to say I didn’t notice the monotony of the countryside as I was just happy to be with my wee girl. We walked along beside a river, which became a canal, near the town of Fromista and it was all very flat but the sun was shining and it was early in the day so no sore feet. We took the slightly longer scenic route a few kilometres further along and continued on this for most of the day. I was glad to be with Brogan as I don’t think another single pilgrim took this route and so they all spent the day walking all the side of a road. I have no idea why apart to surmise that most people who do this have never walked before and will not stray from the well trodden path (even although the more scenic route was well way marked). We rejoined the main path at Villalcázar, which has beautiful church; inside there was a Retablo of the life of St James (Camino, is St James Way). Quick drink stop before final 6km to Carrión de Condes. Tonight we are staying in Hotel Real Monasterio San Zoilo. It is a converted monastery and it quite breathtaking, complete with piped chanting monks through the building. We caught another couple of sheepish pilgrims sneaking in, who after 14 nights in noisy Albergues decided it was time for some luxury. I’m slightly surprised that they let us in and I do feel my horrible walking boots do rather bring down the tone of the bedroom, but very glad to be spending the night here 😊
1 Comment
April 9, 2016 at 5:19 pmWonderful! It’s great to see Brogan with you and you don’t look too worn out yourself. Enjoy the plain chant.