Tuesday 24th April 2018
27.8 km (660.4 km)
Today promised to be a short day of only 21km, only it wasn’t. Due to the construction of the AVE and the water/flooding on the path we had to stick to the road for the first 10km; 10km up hill to reach Alto de A Canda (1,265 m). We rejoined the Camino at this point simultaneously crossing into the Gallicia region of Spain. There seemed to be an immediate change in the quality of the paths and indeed the scenery! Eucalyptus trees appeared, lovely tree lined paths with ancient walls and stone laid paths and a rugged, stark but quite beautiful landscape. The road walk added about 7km to our day and as the temperatures climbed the fatigue set in and we were glad to see finally arrive at our Albergue for the Night, albeit in a very unattractive town, full of trucks trundling down the high street literally every two minutes (we timed them as we sat having our finshed-for-the-day beer in Bar Peregrino where the bar person looked positively offended when we asked for a drink.
Tomorrow is a long day, so an early start hopefully to try and complete most of the walk before the day become too hot.
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