Day 22: Cadavedo to Luarca

Camino del Norte

20km (581.8km)

Tuesday 27 June 2017
This morning, as expected because we had looked at the weather forecast last night, we awoke to thunder and lightning, the clouds thick and low in the sky and torrential rain. We hung around waiting for the weather to improve but eventually, around 8:30 decided to brave the elements…its not like I haven’t been soaked to the skin before now! As the lightening subsided our spirits lifted and when finally the sun came out even the squelching shoes couldn’t dampen our spirits.

Towards the end of the short walk we were approaching Luarca when Roybn slipped on some wet stones and fell on her elbow. A feeling of déjà vu came over me, as I thought of Joanne breaking her arm on The Pennine Way. We passed a hospital shortly after the accident, it opened at 4 so we continued to the Albergue in Luarca with Robyn returning to the hospital later. After a few X-rays it was ascertained that it was a contusion and not a break so she’s been told to rest keep it in a sling for a few days and then see how it is. Fingers crossed she feels better soon.
The rain has been more or less constant since we arrived here which is a pity as Luarca looks very pretty; a small fishing town with lots of white and gray buildings packed together around the harbour, small winding streets and a tree lined plaza.


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