Day 31: Arzúa to Santiago de Compostela

Camino del Norte

40km (835.3km)
Thursday July 6 2017
I left Casona Nene with some trepidation, imagining throngs of pilgrims packing the route to Santiago de Compostela but my fears turned out to be quite unfounded. There was a steady trickle of walkers but no rowdy, large groups. From Arzúa the route is quite pleasant initially, proceeding through tiny hamlets and quiet forests before converging, once more with the road and staying close to it for most of the day. About 12km fro Santiago de Compostela the route arrived in Labacolla, where in the Middle Ages pilgrims paused to clean themselves in the river prior to their arrival in Santiago, if felt that my shower last night would suffice.
The 40k day seemed long today, but at least I didn’t do any bonus miles like last year when I took the wrong turning :(. Eventually a road sign announced our arrival in Santiago, but it was a slow 4k before finally reaching the Plaza Del Obradoiro, in front of the cathedral where it all finished. I managed to get some photos taken and then went to my hotel and took my boots off (and later took them down to reception who assured me they go to a good cause).
The emotions this time were very mixed ; entering the busy, brash Santiago filled with hundreds of people I found rather daunting, the peace shattered. The weeks of peace and fun replaced with Camino merchandise wearing tourists, it seemed so alien to the atmosphere last week. Don’t get me wrong though, it is a happy place! I almost felt flat and feel it will take a while, maybe once the blisters have healed and the toe nails have grown back, for me to fully appreciate the walk.
I have met so many people this time which has really made the trip, communicating and laughing with people when there is no common language has been great. Much laughter and most people are very happy, I feel that anyone who has limited injuries should make this journey at least once.
So that’s it for another year…I have jaunt bought John Brierlys Portuguese Camino book, so maybe that will be next..



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