Day 27: Gontán to Vilalba

Camino del Norte

20km (713.3km)
Sunday July 2 2017
Today the Camino meandered easily along rural roads, through forested paths and farming villages. The ground was soft under foot and it was almost flat, giving well needed relief to the feet. A couple of well placed cafés ensured that the short walk passed pain free and seemed to be over all too quickly.
The hunt for Menu Del Dia proved difficult and we eventually ended up with less than perfect burgers and chips and a rather huge gin and tonic(for me) – they don’t have measures in Spain and basically keep pouring until you say stop or start looking surprised. We had another accident on the way home with Carol, who missed the bottom step in a flight of steps down to our Albergue (I hasten to add that she hadn’t had a large G&T with her lunch!), she went over on her ankle and fell on her knee and so has spent the day with her foot up with lots of ice on it, hopefully she’ll be OK for tomorrow, for some reason it appears to be a dangerous pass time to walk with me!
Tomorrow is a 38km day but it’s supposed to hit 27 degrees so I may do less and put off the long day until Tuesday. If it’s not the rain it’s the heat or the feet, I know, I know!

Three amigos with the same bags, our friendship was meant to be 🙂


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